What happen SlotsLv? You were so fun not so long ago!

I had started a few years ago playing a few dollars here and there. My buddy would go hard on bingo and I would stick to my Buffalo’s… we’ll just recently I hit big… 16k on Buffalo’s and ever since then I have not even had any thing good even pop up and I played across a few slots and it’s just draining me… why? Is this what happens when you hit big? I swear I been putting in a far amount and a few times I might of doubled up, but other than that it seems the site has made a turn to tighten up these wins… something is not right and my far but few bonus has been a complete joke…


Please say that it’s just me… or do you feel something is happening or should I say not happening


A big win will not change anything in regard to your ability to win.
We do have players that have won jackpots literally back to back.


It’s not just you


I can assure you it is not just you. Slots.lv and Bovada used to be respectable casinos, and I enjoyed my occasional win, and always felt like I had a chance. I have not been able to cash out anything for months now. Something very cynical has taken over. There is no chance of winning. Stay away. You will not prevail.


I agree i was letting evryone no about this site and its kind of emmbarising…


Yes! After being told I don’t qualify for anything this morning I think it’s time for me to go. I don’t know what happened. I am embarrassed myself that I told anyone to play here. Used to be great! OR Maybe it’s just months of horrible luck, either way… it’s not the same.

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My baby momma won 85 000 and told me about this site. I have been spending hundreds a week since with no small scraps or anything my way


This site has been horrendous for awhile. They definitely tightened up all the payouts & play. Don’t let them these moderators keep throwing the “random _________” blah blah blah about anything at ya. It’s all nonsense. Definitely go explore other sites that’ll get you some play.


I’m so done with this site. Chat just runs you in circles with the same BS. I have noticed that whenever i actually do make a withdrawal for any amount, i lose my money at record speed immediately after.


I bet those players are big depositors, because you have completely shut down small players here. You could check my account and see that. I have deposited many times and play the smallest bet and I feel like I am playing at the gas station machines.


I’m with you on this and we’re not the only ones. My slots are not doing anything at all. Another thing is no matter if I deposit or not my bonus leaves every Wednesday night when it’s suppose to be 3 times a week. THEN THEY TOLD ME they don’t know why the system automatically ending my bonus on a Wednesday I just need to deposit then come to chat for them to add the bonus lol. It’s strange when I go to chat to get bonus added but then don’t hit any bonus boxes free spins or anything.
This just started happening about a couple of months ago at first they were somewhat ok. My slots now is on zero lol.


You won’t win again until you lose 16k
And everyone will win at least one big one to hook you in.
I also think newer players get more bonus games. If I’m lucky enough to get one I hardly make twice my bet.
Oh- the people hitting are also betting 20-100$ a pop.
So much for “random” lol


Look at the winner list and all but one bet between 20$-100$

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You won’t win again until you lose the same amount

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You’ll find more joy burning you’re money then depositing it here


You are right. When you play slots almost everyday you tell when you are being scammed. It could not be any clearer.

I have lost the same amount 3 times over. It appears they are counting on us not taking the time to explore other casino options. At this point, I don’t have a choice. They have pushed me to the cliff.

So True! It has been that way forever. I have complained about this many times but they don’t give a hoot. When I do a withdrawal, I take it all out, because anything left behind will be gobbled up like a vulture. And be ready to get clobbered on your next deposit.

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Same totally agree

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