The more you spend the less you get

So I don’t know what the deal is but I will say this when you reach the last level I believe it is level nine you no longer can level up and all the bonuses stop and no more free play. Your point just keep adding up but no more extra bonuses

I am now 413,000 point over the level up period for the nine and no more leveling up no bonus for leveling up

You can see the levels HERE
Diamond Flurry being the highest level.

Trust me I feel you! SMH

I just want to say one thing to be fair. Have I had some great wins on here. yes I have never anything huge like 20,0000 or more and I’ve spent a lot of money on here in the past 7 years! Wayyyy too much if you ask me. And it’s just incredibly hard to win anything now let alone have fun while playing. Months of losses and just gaining small wins doesn’t feel good especially when your deposits are totaling thousands! And to not be able to get any free play well I just don’t get it :woman_shrugging:t4:
Very strange if you ask me!

Yeah I wonder what the additional requirements are to reach the next level. You got to be down like six figures or what? That’s some bullshit man bullshit! I can’t say it’s been all bad either. But I’ve had my share of wins there but that seems like it was years ago. Seems like if I take a bonus as soon as I hit that playthrough man I can’t do anything to win. It’s just gone. And it happens almost every time I make my playthrough damn I just lose everything. Lately I’ve been going to different online casinos. I know they’re pretty much the same casinos but I seem to do a lot better there. Games I don’t win on at slots lv anymore when I play at those two places I seem to be able to win. I don’t know if that’s something you’ve tried or want to try. But yeah I tell you what slots LV and me. They’re hanging on by a thread and they’re not doing anything to make it better so I think I’m done. Much as I hate to say that but it’s just been downhill for like the last 2 years there for sure the last year.

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Actually you can still sit down at the table and not play. It’ll play for you

Oh cool! Interesting. On that note I may give it a try.