One hundred eight dollars in reward points for the mega rush promo gone!

180.00 dollars in reward points gone! Couldn’t even get above what I was given through what I earned by making countless deposits far more than I needed to or I should have! I get reward points gone. Scratch card reward points gone! Deposits gone! Deposit bonuses gone! Whats the point in even playing anymore! Tired of depositing and losing money and when I do win it’s nothing significant! Being a player for close to if not about ten years should have its benefits! My favorite game doesn’t even pay out anymore! If anyone has any suggestions on some good games to play that’s fun and that has potential to actually pay out please let me know! Because I’m at a point where I’m ready to just move on and take my money elsewhere!

I see that Rameer12 received the points for the Mega Rush Promo earlier today. Would someone be willing to add them on my account? It would make a great belated birthday gift! :laughing:

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Happy belated birthday. And good luck on your reward points!


Yea it’s hard to hit right now with these companies at this moment.

Well why is that if you don’t mind me asking? Because I’m really tired of just losing my money on here non stop! It’s hard to believe in a RNG when that keeps happening! I work hard for my money and not to keep donating to slots lv! No one wants to keep pumping money into an online casino with no return at all! Just paying to play for free! The scratch card promotion is a joke and so is the Mega rush rewards! It seems to be a way to just keep players depositing so that slots lv can recoup money! Because I’m not getting nothing out of any of those so called promotions!!