I was looking over the forum and I was in shock at what a player won on 11/16/2023! First I want to say congratulations! I only dream of winning that much money! But on the other hand this explains why my money along with many other players money has just been drained repeatedly! Guess when slots lv is paying out BIG hot drop jackpot wins to thier high rollers there’s really nothing left for us small time players🙁 along with not even wanting to entertain the thought that slots lv is taking from their small time players to pay their high rollers! Wish I would have saw those wins before I deposited these past few days and of course lost again and have been losing for quite awhile now! So discouraged after seeing those wins from a day ago! All hope is gone now! No chance whatsoever!
Everybody has a fair chance of winning our hot drop jackpots. To think that only “high” rollers are winning these jackpots is completely inaccurate.
Yeah but I’m pretty sure it helps to be able to place big bets to win big money that consist of big hot drop jackpots! But none the less I’ve been doing nothing but losing anyway so it really doesn’t matter! And apparently neither does my deposits or loyalty!
Your bet amount only relates to the payout you receive on specific paylines. Anybody can win a jackpot irregardless of whether or not they are betting big or small amounts. You may want to consider setting a budget if things haven’t been going your way these days.
The budget isn’t the problem. It’s the losses. It’s discouraging and frustrating when it goes on for a long drawn out period of time! On the other hand If I didn’t have it to lose then I wouldn’t deposit it. And it’s not just about winning it’s also not being able to play long enough to even enjoy the games. But none the less thank you for the info on how the hot drop jackpots work. And now that you mentioned it when I think about it maybe putting myself on a budget is not a bad idea
Nobody likes to lose. You might want to consider calling it a day once you have secured any winnings. That way, you don’t feel tempted to test your luck and potentially lose it all. You may want to also consider putting your eggs in different baskets instead of dumping all your money in a few games. Also utilizing the option to use play money to learn the mechanics of the game may also be a good technique to curbing some of your losses.
Definitely don’t want to keep losing! And trying different games is a must. Never tried the practice method though but I’ll give it a try. Great advice. Thank you!
While those wins are certainly something to take notice of, they don’t however paint the entire picture. I’ve played on slots.lv for three years. I had some 5 digit wins a few times over the years. I’ve also had a few months with five digit losses. What you see in those pictures wouldnt have ever been possible if it wasnt for a 1 in 1.42 million chance that I hit 9 out of 9 numbers on keno with a 5 dollar bet. At no time in three years have I felt like I’m “losing everything” or “whenever I withdrawal I stop winning.” or my favorite “they’ve tightened up the machines.” First winning is great, but I play for fun. And I have fun doing it. If you truly enjoy gambling and are honest with yourself the thrill is the time period in between when you’ve pressed play and seeing the outcome. So for me, wether I win or I lose either way I’m doing what I enjoy. Second I posted those pics to try and help dispell some of the thoughts and feelings that I outlined above. I’m not a high roller. I play pretty regularly. Ive never been able to bet that much before and be comfortable doing it. It was all because of one incredibly lucky spin. Again for the second and third phrases- I hit huge. And Ive won just as much if not more in smaller increments over the past 10 days since that happened to me… there have been at least three 100k plus wins. 2 on Dracula’s reels and 1 on big Atlantis frenzy. There’s been multiple 50k plus wins and even more 20k to 30k wins. So saying you don’t win after a withdrawal Im proof positive that that’s just not so. The machines didn’t tighten up. What you arent seeing though is that several times I played that 250k down to at one point 29k. And sure I was like holy smokes how did I do this…im sure all of us have gotten on practice mode before maxed out the bet and just played just to see what it would be like betting that high . I usually do while I’m waiting for a crypto confirmation and I don’t have any rewards points. Lol. I know we all do it. Well, this time for me i pressed the real play button. There’s no conspiracy to any of this. I like my money just as much as the next guy and if this site wasn’t fair, or I felt that I was being cheated I wouldn’t still be here after three plus years.
If you’re patient good things will come. I bet those same 9 Numbers on Keno for well over a year. I bet what i can afford to lose. if you do that eventually you will hit something big. I feel like alot of people get frustrated because theyre looking at this as a means to an end. It’s not. You’ll be alot happier if you change the mind set. It’s an end in and of itself. With the upmost sincerity, I truly wish you the best of luck my friend 🫱🏻🫲🏼
How much was the $5 9/9 keno payout?
it was 250k