No luck while playing - Any suggestions and feedback welcome!

Why is it so hard to win on this site it’s literally impossible☹️


I agree, I’ve put in over 1k this week and yielding nothing. Just about ridiculous, looks like that’s my lost deposit. Not fun anymore


Yea it’s horrible

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Yep I put in 1300 and couldn’t win 20 dollars it’s getting worse and worse to win on this site

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Ya the only time you win is when you’re using “bonus funds”, which in reality is nothing but a fake number. You’ll get to roughly “70% in wagering requirements” a then it’s a slow suck you dry from there.


I mentioned this on another thread but some things to consider:

One thing I’d also add is it is important to establish a ‘Take Win’ or an amount you will cashout out at if you reach it, and also be realistic on how likely that is to happen. For example, if you deposit $50, will you cash out if you triple your deposit, or only if you 5x, 10x… etc.


When I first started here for the first 6 months I won all the time. I mean all the time but ever since then it’s been downhill rapidly now like if I take a bonus I’ll win win win win win till I hit the playthrough then they just suck it all right back out of my bank. Or if I win on a certain machine just clean up on it. The next time I go back to that machine I cannot win on it again ever again after you’re going back. Very strange