Missing rewards points…

Still waiting on even confirmation that the escalation has been received. And now yesterday’s points are missing as well. I am not happy. It will only let me reply twice because I’m a new forum member, but I can say with total certainty that the fact that I’m missing 30-40,000 rewards points, even after being told that they were added to my account yesterday on the previous forum thread, and the fact that it continues to happen, means that I’m not the only person that this is happening to and that the tactic here is to appease the customers in a public setting while, essentially, stalling in the hopes that we will forget about them.
I haven’t, and I won’t, let this go - more so on the principle of the matter than anything else.


Thank you for taking the time out to provide this update. From what I can see you reached out to customer service yesterday but ended the interaction before the agent was able to provide you with valuable information regarding when those reward points will be issued. The agent also went a step further to provide you with an account message which states you’ll receive those reward points after July 9th and you should wait.

As you have read this message from customer service and also deleted the message, we will consider this handled.

The problem is that it has NOT been handled. I was actually told about 20 different things, none of which have happened. This is getting outrageous. On the last thread, I was told that the points were added to my account yesterday - which they were not. I’m not talking about the Mega Rewards, I’m discussing the Crypto Club rewards.

We’ll take another look for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I have this same issue right now and CS take so long to respond that I forget that I’m in chat and my screen shuts off and it ends up closing chat. This is ridiculous

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Reward points for your deposits made on 6/24 were issued on 6/25. You will need to wait until end of day for the reward points from yesterday’s deposit to appear.

SMDH. I have not received ANY of my rewards points, and then I got an email saying I’m not enrolled in Crypto Club - after months of sporadically receiving the points that I was owed and multiple conversations with CS confirming that I was enrolled.

It’s been a nightmare trying to get the points that I am owed. I still haven’t received any, at all, from the last week since I brought the issue to their attention, or the ones that I was owed prior to that.

You joined the crypto exclusive program on 25th June

That is completely untrue, and in fact, I have the messages to prove otherwise. If you’d like for me to post them, I’d be more than happy to. I just really don’t think that you want me to display all of the contradictory things that have been said to me.

You all, truly, need to remedy this situation before it becomes something much bigger than what it needs to be. I don’t like to air my issues with a company until I get to a point where private messages or discussions have gotten me nowhere.

Unfortunately, that has been the case thus far. You all need to fix your issues and start having a more honest and reliable platform.

Still did not receive my rewards points from this day either.

Reward points were credited to your account at 06/27/2024 10:33 AM EDT - This can be seen in your transaction history.

Hi I’m missing yesterday’s points as well

This happened to me today. I chatted with CS and they had no idea whatsoever what I was talking about. I was completely shocked that CS don’t have a clue we got reward points for deposits

Can you check mine please. I chatted with Abbe and she had no idea you guys even gave points for deposits😳

Please check your rewards, points been added.

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Rewards points has not been awarded. Please check this for me I can’t contact CS. Response time is taking to long that chat never opens for me to connect to a live agent.

Hi there, you should be getting them today.