Missing free spins 5x vegas

I’m missing my 50 free spins from my weekly deposit bonus I claimed please

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Seems like this has been handled by CS.

Have you changed the limit of free spins allowed per week or do deposits made using the daily no qualify? Tried chat a few times but no luck. Doubt you would back date anything but if you could look at this week’s deposits I would appreciate it.

We currently have a delay, I’ve added your account to the ticket.

I’m still missing points & spins for 1st deposit this week on the 20th. Looks like I received spins for 2nd deposit but still missing 1st. Thanks

I’ve added your account to the escalation.

Where are my spins from last nights deposit?

I’m also missing spins. Stayed on with chat for I don’t know how long.

??? My spins from last night???

@Fastsloth spins have been already added,
@CMBmax please clarify the date of the deposit you are missing spins.

6/23. The spins that I got on that day were before that days deposit and for prior days when I didn’t receive them.

These have now been added you are caught up for this week.