I didnt receive my free spins for making a deposit?

I Made the qualifying deposit twice and didn’t receive my free spins on 5 times Vegas either time or my points. I’m not sure what’s going on, but was hoping you could help me figure it out

Can you please provide us with the promotional offer you are referring to? I do see that the Crypto Club: 100% up to $250 Bonus + Reward Points offer is pending on your account.

Im talking about two deposits i made yesterday, ill get the exact amounts

Can you also please provide the name of the offers you are referring to?

Im Not sure what it’s called exactly but every time I make a deposit. I always get fifty free spins and like ten dollars and boy in bonus points

I believe you are referring to the crypto exclusive program. This was changed a while ago into the crypto club.
You can see the details here

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That promo ended a few months ago. We don’t get free spins anymore.