Free spin bonus under Bonus section under rewards

I claimed the free spin bonus in my acct under the rewards section but it doesnt give you what game it is for. anyone know what ganes this applies to?


This is for Pirates Pick. Good luck!

how am i able to obtain those free spins???

@JsCrazy25 I don’t see any free spins on your account.

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Yes Hayley i dont see any either. …lol
I was asking how i could get to where i could see them??? Maybe somehow they could magically appear!!!

Could you be my personal magician and show me some magic???

We’d love to help!

Can you please clarify which spins are you referring to? a bonus or promotion name would be great help. Was there an email as well?

Wow… Why i appreciate the interacting and responding to my messages… I apologize if ive wasted unnecessary time in doing so… I was simply being playful and joking around about trying to some free spins or bonus credits to be added to my account…