Bigger Jackpots!

As 2020 wrapped up, you may have noticed the removal of all Flash versions of our casino games. This was due to these versions no longer being supporting by your internet browser.

Some of the games didn’t have a non-flash equivalent, leaving those with a progressive jackpot, un-won. Don’t worry, those jackpots won’t simply disappear and we are pleased to inform you that approximately $1.5M will be redistributed amongst our nine most popular games:

We’ll be taking these games offline on Thursday January 21st at 4:00am ET for about 30 minutes and when they return there will be and extra $1.5M up for grabs.

So don’t miss out, be the first to play and take a spin at an even bigger adventure! If you have any feedback or questions, let us know here.


Is it equally distributed on above 9 game’s?

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Great question @rock2020,

They will not be equal as the volatility of the games are different but the amounts added to each will be relatively significant.

We can share the amounts when they are added on Thursday :slight_smile:

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Thank you. Please add pre and post if possible.


The increases will happen at approximately 4a ET tonight/tomorrow morning, however no downtime will be required as we originally communicated. Good luck everyone!