If you win, don't play for a while or they will take it all back

iv won at a sister casino of theres a couple jackpots almost back to back and also put it all back in, its not the casino, its you max betting after a win … far as i can tell these guys are pretty legit…

Iv got the answer!!! I too have played a slot game spin after spin after spin and not hit shit…. You have to get off that game and go to another. It’s hard to do, I know for me if I’m 15 20 spins in and haven’t hit anything I’m thinking ehhh 1 more spin. I’ll 1 more spin my self broke. But that win % is for each game not your account. I believe each bet amount within the game is like a different game. I can be spinning and it’s ice cold then change bet up or down and bam in a bonus right off the rip. You can just tell it’s different…. Anyway show out :+1:t2::v:t2:


I’m to the point where I’m just tired of donating money on slots lv! I’ve lost so much in the past two months that’s it’s absolutely insane! Cash back, my cash deposits, the deposit bonuses, the few exception bonus I’ve received and the free spins just nothing but losses. Week after week after week! And I just keep depositing thinking ok maybe this time I’ll win since they see how much I’ve lost! But nope! Just loss after endless loss! I’m Feeling like the money donator! Like I’m just here to donate money towards their jackpots so other players can win! I’m just sick and tired of it! I deposit way too much and too frequently to just keep losing and been with slots lv a very long time! Time to move on! Therefore I have to believe there’s some truth to what your saying! My RTP is incredibly low that it’s just sickening!

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Nick, then how do you explain the crazy odd changes after you make a withdrawl? Ive been here years and it doesnt change. I also play other casinos and I find myself coming back here less and less, fund amount and time.

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You’re a bit naive hun. I’ve been a Diamond Flurry member for years and there is a difference in odds, whether you play one dollar hands or one hundred dollar. I have screenshots. Won’t post them here but there is a preponderance of evidence that supports this claim. Just saying.

You must be new.

There are no changes after you withdraw.
As I stated before, the slot has no idea if you have just won 10k or lost 10k

I’m not too sure what you are talking about. Honestly, I just don’t get the whole thing about accusations that this casino or that one (it’s the same in every forum I have been on) is cheating or fraudulent and at the same time y’all steadily deposit and come here to yell at people when you lose. Why. In hopes of what? That some how your voices will be heard and the powers that be will take a deep breath and say “ ok ok ok you got me, you’re right let me make this right and ensure a win for you every time you play!” I get the feeling that even still there would be complaining and blame to go around to everyone accept the one place it belongs, the mirror. Personally if I had half of the concerns I read here I would not put my money here.
The only naive person here is the person who expects so much from a CASINO. The house always wins. That’s what they say. I hear.

I’ve noticed the same as well. I can usually play on my deposit with bonus for awhile. Have a good time while playing, but if i hit any kind of win that i want to withdrawal when i come back i lose my money at record speed.

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Yeah, its not a coincidence that everytime you cashout literally every other bonus after is 0-less than your bet and the other are on 2-5x

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I’m wondering if you quit losing even if you don’t cask out after you win big. I won big in late June and didn’t cash out. I wagered it all back like an idiot and I can’t win ANYTHING since. Is it because they know I keep depositing tons of money even if I lose it all, so they don’t feel like they need to let me win again to reel me back in because I’m already depositing consistently. I’ve about reached the end of my rope though. Tomorrow if those 10 big spins on CANDY CARNIVAL don’t at least payout $100, something is seriously wrong, given that the max cash out is $3,000.00. I swear, I’m about to get a job for one of these casino sites so I can get the inside scoop on the processes behind the reels and wheels and how much they actually control when we win. :joy:

Right?!?! I won biggg back in April, and also, like an idiot, ended up putting it allll back in. I’ve been trying to get it back ever since. It’s sick.