Secretes to winning

Wanted to know if anyonw has a special way of how to win in this slot machines

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well since the major outage, most everyone is losing all the time here. Ask the moderators your question! lol

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Secret to winning: dont play

spend money on something else


Yes try the five spin method , bet low , try games you never play when you are really low on money play penny keno quick picks ten at a time

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What do you secrete while winning?

Do tell?

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5 spin method? Is this actually something talked about?

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Probably nothing based on his question.

Staying away completely will probably put you ahead of those that play regularly.

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It is. more so IRL. basically, 5 spins to see how the machine reacts. if it doesnt do a thing, then reload it, try again.

i use it, although its more like 10 spins here. sometimes it works well, others, no so much

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What’s the point of reloading it? Unless that changes the seed value of the game for your session, that would do absolutely nothing to change the way the game’s playing.

1-2$bet minimum 20-30$ deposits if nothing hits try at diferrent time or day


I just made A 90 dollop deposit bet real real low played several games and once again nothing. I have tried that spinning a few times and leaving and going back doesn’t work for me. But I haven’t deposited in like a week or two and deposited today and I’m a loser again. Haven’t had a payout in months